Marlbank (Killykeeghan)
Ancient East, IrelandA short walk through the limestone countryside of Co. Fermanagh.
The 600m circular walking path and a small exhibition are steeped in local history of the site. Start Point: H109341 Finish Point: H109341
Route: The Marlbank Reserve is sandwiched between Cuilcagh Mountain and the Erne Lowlands and is amid the most extensive area of limestone grassland in Northern Ireland. The walk begins in the NIEA car park. The route can be taken either clockwise or anticlockwise. Follow the arrows and waymarkers around this short trail.
At one time the entire area was wooded with hazel, elm and ash. With the clearances for farming since the Stone Age, only a few patches of hazel scrub now remain. The scrub shelters delicate woodland flowers including wood sorrel and primroses.
The cuckoo is a widespread summer visitor.
Type of experience
Best time to visit
- Autumn
- Summer
Nearby stations
- Belfast International Airport
- Belfast Great Victoria Street railway station
- Port of Belfast
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